Mind your CCQs!

Mind your CCQs!

Emma Cresswell

Blank faces in class?  Confused looks on your students’ faces? Repeating things time and time again?

We’ve all done it.  We’ve all asked our students “Do you understand?” and blithely moved on with the next activity, only to realise that no, they haven’t understood.

This is where CCQs come in.  By asking Concept Checking Questions to our students we can really find out if they have understood or not.  This workshop looks and the whys and hows on CCQ-ing as well as some useful tips and advice on how to get the most out of your CCQs.

CCQs  CCQ examples   CCQ   CCQs – Do’s & Don’ts   Mortmain – CCQs   Mortmain – pge 1   words to CCQ from mortmain

Dealing with vocabulary in the classroom

Dealing with Vocabulary in the classroom

Alastair Grant

“What does xxxx mean?”  “I don’t understand what it says here”  As any teacher can tell you, not a class goes by without someone asking you for the definition of a word.  It could be a word from the text they’re reading in class, or it could be something they saw on TV last night, or that they heard in a song they were listening to on their way to class.

The teacher knowing what the word means isn’t a problem (unless it’s some new fandangled expression which is fashionable amongst teens that particular week), the problem comes in trying to get students to spread their wings a bit more.  How can we make our students autonomous learners, who feel confident enough to understand without running to their dictionary (or teacher) every two minutes?  How do we, as teachers, know what vocabulary to introduce to our students? And when?

This session will answer all those questions, and more!


Nonsense IHWO  Plan  Though the way coursebooks deal with vocabulary varies types of vocab

Activities and Games in the EFL classroom

Activities and Games in the EFL classroom

Alastair Grant

Any teacher knows it’s essential to have a “bank” of activities and games for your students to get stuck into language learning, be they adolescents or adults.

Requiring minimal preparation, any language seen in class can be turned into an engaging and enjoyable learning experience with these activities and games which will ensure you always have something up your sleeve for your lesson.

Activities and Games for Students