The English We Speak

The English We Speak

Emma Cresswell

Have you ever wondered why a cluster of letters can have so many different pronunciations?  Do your students sometimes ask you questions and the only answer you can think of  is”just because”?

This session follows on from 2010’s Spelling-v-Pronunciation by looking at how word origin affects the pronunciation of words and sounds, as well as addressing other problematic pronunciation issues.

The English we speak The English we speak – ough pron The English we speak – word origin match up

Spelling -v- Pronunciation

Spelling -v- Pronunciation

Emma Cresswell

Have you ever wondered why “th” has so many different pronunciations?  Do your students ever complain that English pronunciation makes no sense?  Have you ever secretly agreed with them?!

This workshop, based on one given by Dr. Antonio Recca at the Share Convention 2010 in Buenos Aires, aims to answer those questions and give you an brief overview of the English Language and how we ended up speaking the way we do.


Spelling-v-Pronunciation Spelling-v-Pronunciation catergorisation ex