Literature in the EFL Classroom

Can literature help our students to become more effective communicators?  Literature in the EFL Classroom.

Emma Cresswell

The word literature can often strike fear into the souls of both teachers and students alike.  Many of us carry the scars of bad literature experiences in the classroom.

During this session we will look at the changing role literature has played in the EFL classroom as well as some of the benefits of using literature on a regular basis in the classroom.  We shall look at how any fan of reading can embrace literature in their lessons without needing to be an expert.  Finally in answering the question whether literature will help our students become more effective commnicators, we will also look at ways to nurture and encourage our students as they embark on a journey into the world of English literature.

Literature in the EFL Classroom – Handout

Can we help our students to become more effective communicators


2 thoughts on “Literature in the EFL Classroom

  1. Pingback: Literature in the EFL Classroom 2011 « IH San Isidro Teacher Development

  2. Pingback: The Sessions « IH San Isidro Teacher Development

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